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Pick a card to get your daily dose of magic! Swipe through the ‘I’m a Manifestor Magical Oracle Cards’ or tap left and right, and let the universe drop the perfect message into your vibe.
You have seen evidence that Spirit is partnering with you. It has been obvious by your commitment and belief in Spirit and your acceptance of their guidance. Your belief has been strong enough to feel and sense what cannot be seen with mortal eyes. Look at the card and see the connection of Spirit close to you. They are never far away. As you spend time on a regular basis with your guides, the connection is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger is becomes.
Try sitting with your eyes closed, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Ask for proof to show you confirmation Spirit is with you. Then stay present, and be open to be shown verification. Or maybe just ask for a specific signal. Sit with the card looking into the Flower of Life ancient design, breathe into it and ask Source to connect you to all there is. Don’t give up just before the miracle, Spirit has your back.
I ask Spirit to buoy my belief in them and give me verification.
All the experience you have had, and all of the things you have learnt have put you in a good place. You’re stepping forward happily now that you have taken this life purpose on with pride. You can easily teach and guide those that are drawn to you. Take solace in knowing it is work well done. If you are just starting on this spiritual journey, seek a likeminded spiritual teacher. I always suggest learning from many is far better to open you to all that there is, without limitations. Let the knowledge from all morph into what it needs to be for you.
I hope you’re looking for that spiritual teacher, or the right modality for you. It is time to learn and decide what you want to expand on in your life. Imagine being open to all the knowledge that is available to you, not only to increase your manifesting abilities, but to help others. When we start seeing the bigger picture, we openly give our knowledge to others, and share all that we learn, something happens. Our heart opens unconditionally as we care for, and nurture our surroundings; we then become conscious of how we can help at a universal level.
Where are you on your spiritual journey? If you’re at the beginning, and seeking help, ask your friends if they know of a reputable spiritual teacher in your area. If you’re already on your journey, look for new modalities, or spiritual books that can help you. Decide what interests you. See what social media posts resonate with you. Ask Spirit to show you what you need to learn. Go to the new age section of a library, and borrow anything you’re guided to. Join meditation groups or spiritual circles. One thing I say at the beginning of my workshops, “On conclusion of this workshop please forget everything I have said. Your subconscious will retain what it needs to, and the knowledge will then integrate and morph into what it needs to be for you”. Spirit doesn’t need another me! The Universe needs you, so that the people that resonate with you, will hear what you have to say.
Universe, thank you for guiding me on my spiritual journey. Please direct me towards a spiritual teacher or spiritual modality that is for my highest good, and the highest good of all.
It’s like you have found another world, connecting to Spirit, Earth Mother Gaia and to all that there is. We really are one. Don’t the colours look more vibrant? Can you hear the butterfly before you see it? Everything is energy and you are now aware and conscious. Now you are ready to learn more and more, and absorb all things spiritual. Can you feel the subtle changes in the space around you as Spirit softly guides you? The love radiates out from you, as you are wrapped up in source light.
This is a discovering phase, just be open. Start looking into spiritual practises; Yoga for breath work, meditation for stillness. Theta Healing can help to remove blocks and patterns and assist you in having a no limits approach to manifesting. Partnering with Spirit, Source, Universe, Guides, Angels or God, whichever feels comfortable to you, can magnify your manifesting energy. Be open and receptive!
Spirit, thank you for helping me discover the Magical world of Source energy and assuring I connect and manifest for my highest good, and the highest good of all.
You are riding the wave of energy as the full moon builds. Tapping into the full moon energy lets you release all that no longer serves you, seen or unseen by you. The full moon has the ability to bring up any blocks that are stopping you moving forward. It may not have been something that you were aware of, or could even be something that you thought you had already dealt with. But this card is showing your connection and willingness to release what is needed to the full moon. You are connected to the power.
Tap into the energy of the next full moon, expect things to surface that were typically buried. There are many rituals and sacred practices. Put your crystals and cards outside to be energised and cleansed by the moon, have a full moon bath yourself. Write a letter to Spirit with a list of what you’d like to release’, and throw the letter into a fire, letting the smoke waft up to the moon. Or, simply put the intent out to Spirit and Earth Mother Gaia to connect you to the energy of the moon and let it help you for the highest good.
Spirit, thank you for connecting me to the full moon to help me release, heal and move forward for my highest good! I connect to the power of all that there is.
Manifesting energy, that is exactly where this card is suggesting you are. I love that! OMG and it feels amazing. That gets the juices flowing. You have definitely hit your sweet spot. Surrounded by Source’s golden light, you’re on your true path where everything flows! No need to force or worry, everything comes to you at the right time and right place. You have partnered with Spirit; you’re doing your part, and Spirit are doing their part. With that connection, you’re not only combining for your highest good, but for the highest good of all. The overwhelming unconditional love you feel for life has strengthened. Your trust and belief in Spirit and the evidence in a higher power is indisputable now that you have tapped into the flow of the Universe.
Look at the cards that surround this Manifesting card. If upright, this will indicate which area you’re manifesting in. If reversed, align yourself with the other cards to show you, and point you in the right direction. You may need to revisit that area of your life. For advanced manifesting, (presuming you’ve worked on self-love and other areas of your life, you’re evolving nicely; and it is in the right time for you), you can tap into the elements around you to boost your manifesting power. For example, when there’s a storm coming, put the intent out to Spirit, to connect you into the manifesting energy of the approaching storm, sit quietly or meditate. Chant, write or affirm, “I am abundant” or affirm the topic you’re manifesting. There is power all around you that you can use. Animals, trees, storms, floods. I tapped into a river that was flooding and rushing, the energy I could feel from it was enormous. It is the same when we orgasm, the energy and power is a higher state of being. Being Abundant is your birth right.
I am connected to Source’s manifesting energy.
This is a good question. You have realised there are several ways forward, and you confidently connect to Spirit. With your logical mind, Spirit’s help and using your intuition or gut feeling, decide which way to go forward. Spirit will light the way when it’s the right time for you to step forward. You’re happy to bide your time and know that something will just appear.
No Step Forward? Or too many steps to see what will be your next step? Then do nothing, stop thinking about it. Have a couple of days of R & R, and don’t think about the future. Bring your thoughts back to now, meditate, have some quiet alone time and just be. This card is like a wild card. At the end of the reading, if you still want to know the best course of action, leave this card out. Ask spirit. “What is my next step”? Shuffle the cards again, and pull another card. This card will give you guidance on your next step.
Thank you Spirit, for showing me my next step with clarity!
The positive aspect of this card is that you have already come into awareness through your psyche, that the course you are currently on isn’t for your highest good. You saw the sign and maybe saw the bird that is sitting above the door on the card. You know that there is a better way forward and are happy to adjust your course of action to move forward.
Stillness and alone time is needed. Practise your breathing and stop trying to move things forward. Do something totally opposite. Every time the thought comes into your head about the situation you have asked about, let it drop away. Most of the time we just need to tweak the details and wait for divine timing. A closed door is nothing to fear. You have everything to gain by not trying to force the door open.
Spirit, thank you for showing me other steps to take towards the doors that are open to me, for my highest good!
Spirit has heard your gratitude declarations and is aware of how grateful you are for all that you are, and all that you have. Look at the proud bear on this card, acknowledging that you see the miracles and magic daily. You have found the inner strength to be grateful. The gratitude you feel is opening you up for more to come as you appreciate life itself. Spirit will mirror you. Compassion and kindness flows.
Make a list in present tense. I am grateful for …………………. with arms wide open. Be thankful for every experience, make it a daily practise. Complete a gratitude list starting from small things up to big things. Tell your partner or children 5 things each day that you’re grateful to them for. Start with small things, power, water, food, and work up to family and friends. Always be thankful and appreciate Spirit’s help.
I am grateful for all that I have and all that I am.
You are well on your spiritual journey. Connecting to drumming, or listening to Native American flute music, soothes your soul. Dreaming is a reality whether it’s your past lives that come up or you’re dreaming about your destiny in this life. Your connection to animals and/or animal Spirits in this life is strong. The need to be in nature is also strong. You can literally stand and look at the energy of trees, the overwhelming connection to birds in flight is amazing. It has probably been evident already in your life that you’re drawn to Native American ideals.
Spend time in meditation. If it’s drumming that interests you, listen to a drumming meditation, also try listening to different Indian instruments until you find something that resonates with you. Connect with nature alone. The journey internally is a solitary thing to do, because it‘s about you. The journey or vision quest is yours alone; invoke the spirits of old to tap you into your vision for this life. Find a mentor to support your journey. Put the intent out to Spirit to connect you to your animal guides. Find a meditation that connects you to your guides. You probably already know what animals are your guides, as you’re normally drawn to them from the beginning of your life.
Spirit of old, I ask you to assist me on my vision quest to see what will benefit me in this life for my highest good. Show me what has been unseen by me.
As part of your manifesting you have researched and found your Kua number. You are maximising every aspect and every element, from the placement of objects and furniture, or sitting facing your success direction, and using the natural elements to harmonise and balance your surroundings. The compass on the card shows you are tapping into your true north, the most authentic you. Yin and Yang symbols show you are in balance with all that there is. Your view has opened, as you can see how many objects can help you tap into, and manifest the way of life you want.
Your Kua number shows you the best direction for all areas of your life. To find your personal success direction, use one of the online Kua number calculators. Clear clutter from your life, again this creates stale and stagnant Chi. Open all windows and doors to get energy moving. Feng Shui looks at sharp edges pointing negatively towards you as a no-no. There are cures and things you can do to alter this. Find a Feng Shui consultant in your area. There are many things you can do, I have been reading and following Feng Shui author, Lillian Too since my 20’s.
Universe, thank you for assisting me with living in my best directions and tuning me into the elements, so I may connect with flow of Chi energy.
As we’re now aware, Dis- ease in the body can be related to our emotional life. Holistically you have moved forward mind, body and soul. You are aware that each organ and each part that makes up your body has a soul, and you give love to each of the parts of you. You are conscious of what you put into your body. The environment around you benefits from your increased knowledge. Working alongside Archangel Raphael is helping you.
Remember this is just guidance, I caution you to seek medical advice if needed. There are many different modalities and natural remedies you can try from reflexology, massage, naturopathic, iridology, Reiki or Theta healing and many, many, more. Read books dedicated to healing your life, like Louise Hay “You can heal your life”. There is a chapter dedicated to your body, with probable causes and affirmations that can help release that particular block. Call upon Archangel Raphael’s green healing light to enter your body where you need it the most. Your body is your temple, so please treat it as such. The body achieves what the mind believes.
My body now returns to its natural healthy state.
You have found your sacred place where you sit, breathe and reflect. It is your battery re charger. You heard the call to connect to Gaia Earth Mother, Spirit, your ancestors, and your own reflection. Sitting under the lotus you are brought back into alignment ready to soar again.
Return to your Sacred Place, either physically or spiritually. It may be your place of birth, or just a happy place you go to that brings clarity for you. No matter what, or where that is, you need to connect to it. I call it back to basics. Go home, find your roots. Guided meditations can help you return to a special place where all is calm and balanced.
Spirit, thank you, for helping me connect with my Sacred Place to help me anchor and align with my truth.
Look, you have given to yourself – time-out, relaxation and unwinding. Freedom in mind, body and soul! Look at the caged bird on the card, escaping with your heart, bringing freedom to you. You’re treating yourself as a priority. You’ve heard what your mind, body and soul has needed, and you have discovered the benefits, as your new way of life has brought with it more positive situations. The void has disappeared and been replaced by your love and acceptance of self. You are now well on your way on your spiritual development and manifesting journey. Self-love is the starting point.
Work on yourself holistically – mind, body and soul. Rest your mind, remove toxins. Look after yourself as if you were one of your own children, like you are one of Spirit’s children. Engage your soul. Find your passion. Breathe, just be you. Give to yourself. Look in the mirror and see the light that’s within you, that can be made brighter. Love yourself unconditionally. Sit with the card, breathe into your heart space and meditate on the green heart, bringing the bright green light into your being.
Spirit, please stay with me 24/7 and help me love myself for my highest good. Let me see myself through your eyes.
Like the beautiful woman on the card, you are snuggling in the soft clouds. You are relaxed and easily go into a dream state, bringing your dreams into reality. Your dreams have no limitations. You are able to visualise your dreams into existence. Visualising, using meditation techniques has opened you up to another world to explore.
Spend some time daydreaming about your goals and desires. Connect with nature and Sprit asking them to come into your dreams to help you. Spirit comes to us in our dreams to heal and teach us, but, you must be open to this. To help with your dreams, you can get a dream catcher and/or crystals. Listen to a guided meditation to help you visualise what cannot be seen.
Universe, please come in and allow me to visualise and dream again.
As you’ve spiritually grown, you have become more sensitive! With this comes the responsibility and respect for your actions and words, as they have greater power than they ever had before. You need to shield yourself so you’re not walking around absorbing everybody’s energy and feelings! You’re practising shielding and asking Spirit to put Source white light around you. You’re building that muscle so it becomes stronger, and part of your morning activities, it’s becoming a natural thing to do. Finding the right shielding is a personal thing, and you have found ways to do this so you’re not walking around the world taking on other people’s energies.
When working with Spirit, set up good boundaries. Start with, “Yes Spirit, I am open now”. When you’re finished your readings or spiritual work, say, “Thank you, spirit I am closing now”. In the morning in the shower, I ask El Moyra an Ascended Master to please shield me. You can also ask Spirit to put you into a glass box, front, back, sides, top, bottom, open to spirit. Ask Archangel Michael to put white light around you. I always put white light around my car. Try different ways of protection until you find the one that feels right for you, and build that protection muscle up. Being empathic and intuitive can be more pleasant if you are regulating what you feel from everybody else.
Spirit, thank you for shielding me, and surrounding me in white light.
You are ready; you’ve done everything in your power to be ready for the next step, de-cluttered, mind, body and soul. You have learnt what you needed, put the ground work in and prepared. Each layer has been carefully combined and infused. A solid foundation is down, well done. Now you can build the life you want.
Put your intent out to spirit to help you concoct and blend the mixture for a solid foundation. Check all areas are established enough for forward movement. Have you cleared the clutter? Have you done your housework and homework? Check all paper work and contracts carefully. Make sure all bills are paid and a budget is worked out. Start with the Self-Love card, are you practising loving yourself?
Thank you Universe forhelping me prepare a solid foundation for [the situation I enquired about].
Spirit wants you to feel love and joy. At the centre of your core is happiness and contentment, thriving and growing. You rarely take things too seriously; you have found the inner peace you desired. Play and laughter have been balanced with the rest of your life. You’re able to put different hats on when it’s needed, as all parts of your life are interchangeable! Balance is the key to your ever evolving life. Your playfulness has given you a lighter feeling, mind, body and soul.
There are many ways to play. You just need to find the one that is right for you. Stepping back and finding the joy in life will not stop you manifesting, but it will assist in manifesting for your highest, joyful self, to mirror the joyful and playful feelings. Most of the time when we stop playing, the energy becomes heavy. Trying to manifest in that energy is like the mud on the card, thick and gluggy. You might as well jump in and have some fun. Manifesting is best done from a joyful and unconditionally loving place.
I make time to play, and when I do I feel totally joyful, light and happy.
You have worked on yourself clearing all blocks and patterns. You have displayed self-love and have balanced your life. This has rippled down through your DNA and genetic line. Your children display love and compassion for the world around them. Respect and honesty are great attributes for your children to work with. What you have worked on for yourself will carry on for many lifetimes to come and for your children’s children. Many generations will be altered by what you are doing now.
Affirm to your children at a young age, that they are going to live a blessed life, and let the belief set in. Self-love is the starting point, it can alter generations. Boundaries can expose children to the idea of balancing giving and receiving, and giving to self before helping others. You can find courses to help you in your self-discovery. Having a healthy view of yourself and self- analysis really helps. Being honest with your children helps; we have to be careful not to transfer our fears onto our children.
The key is balance and quality time. Love and affection and guidance will help your child grow up to be well equipped emotionally as an adult. Remember for the short time you have them solely in your life, you are getting them ready for their working life, a partner and to be parents to the next generation. But before this happens you are also helping them become their authentic self. Help them find things they love. Introduce them to Spirit, God, angels, guides or source, whatever words you use. Let them discover their truth.
I elevate my children, or my child, [Child name(s)] to Spirit to love and watch over them for their highest good.
Spirit has extended a hand and shown you the beauty around you. You have stopped and noticed, stayed present and again let your connection to Earth Mother Gaia be visible in your surroundings, giving you a clear view. Spirit has acknowledged your practise of staying in the now. As you practise this have you noticed the colours becoming more vibrant? The synchronicities have increased as you are now guided in the present moment.
Close your eyes, and relax your jaw and shoulders. Breathe in through your nose, into your heart space, and out through your mouth. Repeat this process as many times as needed. You have now cleared your mind and are in the present moment. Where attention goes energy flows. Bring the energy back to you. Stay present in mind to be guided towards synchronicities; this will enable Spirit to put you where you need to be, at the right time and place. Divine timing!
Spirit, thank you for showing me the magic and beauty in each moment, as I stay omnipresent.
Love, love, love. This card is your connection to earthly people. Your close relationships have been elevated for your highest good. Only those that are at a similar vibration stay. The depth of connections you have with people now are growing and blossoming. A great overall feeling of love surrounds you now. People in your life are a bonus as you don’t need them to fill the void within anymore. You have done that yourself. The unconditional love you have is for everyone and everything around you. You actually love life, and do you know what? It loves you right back.
We get caught up in wanting
a particular person, even though the feelings we have in this situation may not be the correct sort of feelings we’re after. Soul Mates and Twin flames can be our biggest teachers. We have many soul mates; they’ve been in our lives many times before. It’s like déjà vu when we connect again. They will have lessons for us, or be really good friends. Twin flames are the other half of us. The most important thing for any relationship is self-love. Having a balanced life with good boundaries, not needing someone else, but happy to have someone special in your life. Law of attraction will mirror what you are. Find you first, please. Call upon Spirit to bring in your soul family.
Spirit, thank you for bringing the perfect partner for my highest good!
Blind Faith? No, you have complete trust in Spirit to bring exactly what you need into form, for your highest good. Conviction and confidence is how you’re moving forward and it shows. You’re in complete sync with Spirit in the flow of Source energy. To a degree, it feels like you’re on a magic carpet ride as the synchronicities unfold daily. It’s like you’re being drawn to, or flown on your magic carpet, to where you need to be.
At any point, you can ask Spirit to bolster your trust in them. Sit in prayer, ask or write to Source and ask for Spirit to light your way and give you undeniable, indisputable, obvious verification that they’re walking beside you.When you lack trust, I recommend that you look at why. What was your expectation? What are your issues around not trusting? You are making your own decisions, and moving forward, why not do it with Spirit’s help? They love you unconditionally.
Spirit, thank you for helping me trust again. I trust in the process of life.
You have used your free will. Spirit is putting the pieces together and fitting the last bits into your puzzle. The Universe is working in conjunction with you for your highest good. As you can see on the card, Horus and your angelic guides are moving things and putting them into place. Horus is flying high and can see all. The jigsaw card is different to the closed door, or wait card, because this isn’t you having to wait, or alter your course; this is merely a timing aspect.
You have done all that you can possibly do. Everything up until this point has seemed to flow really well. Ask source for verification, or even meditate on the hold-up being due to Spirit putting all of the pieces of the puzzle together. Ask if there’s any action step you can take to help. Like the jigsaw on the card, you can see that all your dreams and desires can come together, piece by piece.
Spirit, I give to you [this situation]. Please bring this into form for my highest good. This or something better!
You have asked for help from Spirit. You are willing to be supported by the Universe. Spirit acknowledges your consent and will now step in. The angelic figure on the card now comes down and offers you her hand to assist you in your life and with your life choices. You have stood in the decision process and have felt there is something out in the Universe greater than ourselves. Tapping into Source energy you have used your free will to ask Source to show you the path for your highest good. A hand is reaching down to guide you.
Do you feel like you’re swimming against the tide? Looking at different directions and not knowing which one to take? Ask Spirit, God, Source, Guides or your Angels for their help. Whatever your belief, you can ask for help. Remove the belief that you need to do everything yourself in all directions of time. We were given free will to make decisions for ourselves, wouldn’t it be pertinent to ask Source energy to act on our behalf?
Universe, please help me 24/7 with all areas of my life, for my highest good, and the highest good of all.
Things are going well for you. Obviously, you have affirmed what you want to feel like in a working environment. You are satisfied, respected and happy. Your work life and home life are balanced. The partnership with Spirit has allowed opportunities to flow. Amazing as it seems, following the feelings you want also has had an effect on your financial flow. This card shows you in the place of work, in the flow of abundance, doing what you love. It certainly pays off.
I would like you to think about what you are passionate about. Are you doing your life purpose job, or just coasting along? Sit with Spirit and think about what you long to do. We talk about the void inside and how it cannot be filled from external circumstances, and how we need to get in touch with ourselves internally. Our working life plays a part in this as well. I understand life gets in the way and we have to pay bills and survive. But, you also have to follow your chosen path; why you are here, your life purpose. Getting in touch with things you love is the starter. Finding what you are passionate about is the key. We are never too old to learn new things. Balance work and play, as much as you can.
Thank you, Universe, for putting me in the job, which is using my gifts and talents, helps me be in service for my highest good, and the highest good of all.
All of existence comes down to geometric shapes, energy and mathematics. You have learnt and integrated so many things. You can work with Pyramids, the Tree of Life, or the Flower of life just to name a few. These Sacred Symbols enhance your life in so many ways, manifesting the way of life you want. At any given time, you can access these Sacred Symbols on the card and meditate with the intent of your highest good. Like the Phoenix on the card, you come out of the ashes and rise again. Symbology is a personal concept and individually you will be attracted to the one that is appropriate for you at any given time. As you evolve, different symbols will be prominent in your life.
Research Sacred Symbols, look into the area of life you need the most help with manifestation; whether it is abundance in all things, love, health, prosperity etc. that you need help in. There are symbols to add power to what feeling you want to have. Sit looking at the symbol of your choice and ask Spirit to activate it, or to help you connect and meditate with it. Use any and all forms you can to manifest with.
Thank you Spirit, for bringing into my life Sacred Symbols to help with my manifesting abilities!
You’re connected with the cycles of nature, the ebb and flow of life! You probably like making home remedies with your herbs, such as oils, candles, soaps and tinctures. You most likely have established your own alter in your home, where you have objects such as crystals, candles, and feathers where you can sit and connect to Spirit and meditate. You feel the magic around your words and actions. You can manifest whatever you want just by thinking or saying it. You have built a true connection to spiritual energy, Earth Mother Gaia and the Universe.
Prepare your alter with sacred objects you’ve found. Cleanse your area by lighting a candle, and asking Archangel Michael to clear all negativity. The candle colour you use depends on your motivation for that particular ritual. Research will help you choose your candle colours. E.g. Green candles represent abundance or healing. Put the intent out to connect to Spirit, Earth Mother Gaia, and the Universe. This opens your ritual. Perform your ritual for the outcome that you desire. Ground yourself at the conclusion of your ritual, thank those you’ve called upon, and close your space.
I invoke the universal energy of all that there is, and tap into Source white light to manifest my life.
You are aware that everything around you has its own energy and you have made a conscious decision of what’s in your circle. Like the card, you have surrounded yourself with positive experiences. You’ve cleared out all the bullshit mentally, physically and emotionally. You have de-cluttered your mind and your home, setting the climate around you as a positive environment.
Start with de-cluttering your home and your workspace. Start detoxifying your mind, body and soul. Ask yourself in each situation, “How does this make me feel?” To have more positive experiences, you need to be around more positive things. Find what you love and do more of that. When we manifest, we need to elevate our vibration so law of attraction can mirror us.
Spirit, thank you, for supporting me in making positive changes to my life! I now surround myself with loving people.
Like the woman on the card, you have tapped into Spirit and released what was needed. Earth Mother Gaia has washed away those things that have held you back to make room for what you desire. Look at the things you have released, flowing towards the luminous glow to be transmuted into positive Source light. You have done the work and have put yourself in good stead for your future. As we grow spiritually and evolve, Spirit will remove what is not for our highest good. Things, people and places are just falling away, with total ease. You are open to this.
Visualise, or go to the river bank, and on a piece of paper write down what no longer serves you and what you need to release. Put the intent out to Spirit to release what is not for your highest good, seen or unseen. Imagine yourself as the woman on the card, supported by Spirit and Earth Mother Gaia. Release into the water such things as behaviours, situations, people, fear and doubt, regret, expectations and negative thoughts about yourself. Then let the ideas and stories be carried away by the water towards the luminous glow of Source light.
I release what is not for my highest good.
Prosperity is a state of being successful and thriving financially. You have obviously stepped into the vibrational energy of prosperity. Financially you’re at a great place; receiving money from expected, and unexpected sources. Everything you touch is turning to gold. Money is energy, and you have connected to it. You are thankful and grateful for all that you have and all that you are.
Ask Spirit to take your financial worries to the Universe to sort out, then let it go. How many times has a bill arrived and the money just turns up? Thank Spirit when this happens. Be grateful for your bills, they are helping you live. Assemble an affirmation and gratitude list. Affirm, “I am prosperous, I am open and receptive to the abundance of the Universe.” Balance your giving and receiving of money, also balance how you spend and save. Show it respect and it will respect you. Use all available spiritual tools to help you move into a financial flow. Sit with this card, and imagine, yourself being surrounded by prosperity energy.
Thank you Spirit, for taking my financial worries and transmuting them into financial flow.
It’s a long road healing addictions, getting the adrenalin under control. You have sourced help and asked Spirit to point you in the right direction. Like the card, you have broken the links that chained you. Creativity is helping you alleviate the cravings. You have replaced repeating patterns that once ruled your life with healthy alternatives. You respect people and their knowledge and have found a balance. Be proud of yourself, you have come so far.
Self-sabotaging isn’t for your highest good. What happened, mind body and soul, that you feel so badly towards yourself? The excuses you use to enable this to continue are ego-based. Resistance can stop you from moving forward. Is it a repeating pattern? Whatever your addiction is, from substances to gambling, or constant involvement in bad relationships; these are blocks and patterns that will keep you shackled and hold you back. Archangel Raphael and Sekhmet are on the card for you to sit with and ask for healing for yourself, because the only person that can help you, is you.
The only person that can help you with an addiction is yourself. This stems from low self-esteem. The repeating patterns may be from this life or past lives. The first thing is to admit to yourself that you have a problem. Then my suggestion is to seek professional help. Addiction is a short term five-minute adrenalin rush. We need to be in balance for the long term. A positive sustainable replacement for the adrenalin rush of addiction is balanced with the use of creativity in all its forms. Call upon Archangel Raphael to assist you with healing your addictions. Or source a Theta Healer in your area to help you remove all blocks and patterns, in all directions of time.
Universe, thank you for helping me to find the help that I need for [this addiction] and continually supporting me.
You have elevated your vibration now and you ooze positive energy. The steps you’ve taken to improve your situation and self, is visible to you and everyone around you. Your skin is glowing; it’s as if you’ve tapped into the fountain of youth, and the secret of life; and you have. Now the work you’ve put in is paying off. The ebb and flow of life simply unfolds as if you are watching a movie play out in front of you. You see everything around you from the perspective of looking through a child’s eyes. Curious and excited! You can maintain an element of happiness and peace while life simply rolls on. You’re in total balance, and open to all that there is and loving life.
Do things that help you feel lighter and alive. Positive experiences like laughter, singing, dancing, meditation, swimming in the ocean. Take a long bath, sit in nature, go for a walk and get those endorphins going. In situations when people are draining you, walk away and say, “I give back to you that is yours with love and light, and I take back from you that is mine with love and light”. Keeping your energy and staying in the now in your mind set, will keep the energy for you, rather than sending thoughts and your energy off with someone else. Sometimes when we help people we leave shards of ourselves with them. When grounding, ask that all the bits of you are returned to balance your mind, body and soul. Go somewhere you’ve never been before, and let the curious child you once were out and about.
I open my arms to the Universe so that I can connect mind, body and soul to all that there is, as I elevate my vibration for my highest good.
Good call, you have heard, felt the message to “Wait.” Rest, or maybe nurture. Waiting can feel like you’re in limbo a little bit but you seem fine, and you understand it’s only a pause. The angelic help you’re getting that shows you to wait, will benefit you immensely. Like the dragonfly on the card, there is a transformation imminent.
Sometimes the conditions are not to your benefit to move forward. Waiting may be a lesson in patience. Instead of thinking constantly about the situations you’ve asked about, have a brain time-out and just be. Acceptance of what is. You are your best crystal ball. Your gut feeling or intuitive vibe shows you when to stop, and when to go. On top of that you have Spirit, operating the stop lights.
Spirit, help me to accept and allow this pause, as I receive your guidance to wait.
True, you’re in the light. You can feel the connection of mind, body and soul. Hit your sweet spot. Share your story, be seen lighting the way for others. As you can see on the card, the people you are able to reach with your light is proof that you are in service to the Universe. The Merkaba is above you, helping you connect to the healing light of Source energy and all spiritual realms. Feeling alive, happy, and grateful, shows as you become a beacon to others.
Spend time looking at the Shine card, and feel the energy that is given to whoever needs it. Start thinking about, or write a list, detailing your qualifications and experiences that would benefit a collective of people. Guaranteed, what you have experienced, others have also. The sacred symbol of the Merkaba is a tool that assists you to reach your full potential. There are many guided meditations that can help you activate your Merkaba.
Spirit, I accept the gifts you have bestowed on me and I am glowing. Please activate my Merkaba. Please help me share my story and shine to help others for the highest good of all.
Yes, you’ve got gifts and talents. You are now recognising them, accurately, accepting your life purpose, working in line with your passions. It makes your eyes light up, and gives you energy and makes your heart sing. Spirit is standing back applauding you whilst the ankh represents your life force. It feels so right, and you feel this power coursing through your veins, that is, the connection to your authenticity and a higher power.
If the situation you’re querying is spiritual, and you’re starting to do card readings, you’ll know from the conversational exchanges you’re having with the client whether you’ve resonated with them or not. If you’re speaking about a topic that you’re passionate about, ask Spirit to help give you the words and support. You need to stand up and be successful. The first thing to do is say, “I release fear and doubt”. When you’re living your life purpose, you’ll know this is your passion, and you will follow that course, so stick with it. Do more courses if you need, but at some point, you have to own your knowledge.
Spirit, please assist me with “Owning My Shit. Allow me to stand in my power.
Pat yourself on the back. You have lightened your heart like the heart being weighed on the card. The heaviness has dissolved and you have brought peace into your life. You have forgiven yourself and others. Your body and life feels lighter and you are able to relax easier. This is the third step to manifesting your dreams. You had to dig deep and peel back the layers like an onion. But you got there, well done!
Write a letter. The aim is to forgive yourself and/or others. Think back to when the happiest time of your life was, then move forward from there. Write a forgiveness letter. E.g. At [age] said……. and did to me. It made me feel ashamed and hurt, angry and afraid. I now release to Spirit all the pain and emotions I felt and I forgive the person and free myself from this. A perfect example of forgiveness is the ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness known as Ho’oponopono (“I am sorry, please forgive me, I thank you and I love you”). There are many free Ho’oponopono songs on YouTube. Repeating these words will help retrain the brain and transform these energies into pure love.
I am willing to forgive. I give to you Spirit, all the unforgiveness and I set myself free.
It is a feeling you have decided upon, the most important decision you have made. Not a thing or a person. You have asked and followed your choice to live on purpose and elected how you would feel. This opened you up to new opportunities and possibilities, places and people. You have taken a stand and it has paid off. You have made a commitment to yourself. A gut feeling is you being intuitive about something wrong or right. So why can’t you manifest by having a good feeling to bring more of that? That is living on purpose. Let yourself float through life.
In every moment or situation ask yourself, how is this making me feel? Start making a list of how you want to feel!
E.g. I am happy, I am peaceful, I am safe. Then think about what action you can do to make you feel these things. The law of attraction will mirror what we do, think and feel, and bring more of that. The secret to success is acting like you already have those things. “I am free” gives you the feeling of freedom in all things. You could say you want a particular thing, but what happens if you are stressed and worried how that will manifest? You need to manifest from the feelings you want to experience first. That is called living on purpose. Choose to feel alive and excited about your day. Stay present in the moment and experience amazing magical things. Sit looking at this card and feel the freedom of going with the flow of life.
Thank you Spirit, for allowing me to feel wonderful, happy, healthy, loved and alive every day!
Your home is your castle. Welcome to a place of love, peace, joy and laughter. The minute you walk in you feel the energy is relaxed and comfortable. This is your chosen place to unwind and feel at peace, you’ve found the right home for you. When things flow and it feels easy, you know you’re on the right path. You’re aware that you are in the right environment for you. Take time to breathe and take in the love in your home. The card shows you a castle, your heavenly home. You connect to earth and your spiritual home in a balanced way.
For the sale of your house, put red flowers at the front door. Clear negative energy by opening all doors and windows to let the Chi energy flow. Ask Archangel Michael to clear all negative energy. Release your attachment to the house and objects. Start looking at new areas, and ask Spirit to guide you to the most ideal place to live, for your highest good. Renting with people is a perfect way to get you back on track financially. Ask Spirit to help find a perfect rental for your highest good. Your outside area/garden is just as important as the inside, make sure dead plants and flowers are removed; we want to give the area, a feeling of growth.
Thank you Spirit, for helping and guiding me to the perfect home, for my highest good.
With hands open, you have let your goals, ideas, dreams and desires go to Spirit. As you did this, Spirit has washed and cleansed them for your highest good and is transforming them into reality. The water shows you are in flow with the Universe and have let go of control. The final step to manifesting is “Letting Go” to Spirit so they can manifest in the right time for you. I always say, “this or something better”.
Visualise the picture on the card and say to Spirit: “I now raise my hands and open them to you, as I let go of control of this situation for my highest good, so you may manifest the best outcome for my highest good”. Once you have put the situation you’re querying about up to Spirit, then let it go. You can do this by visualisation, or you can write it down on a piece of paper and then burn it. But you must let your attachment to it go to Spirit, to manifest it. Let go of all worries and fears to Spirit.
I let go of control for my highest good.
Congratulations! Wow! The door is open, full steam ahead. Between you and Spirit, you have done what is needed. The conditions are ripe for you to move forward. Go on, step through the door. Doesn’t it look glorious? You know you want to! It’s like everything has aligned just for you. The new journey ahead is illuminating, while the Kookaburra is waiting to accompany you on your new beginning.
Is it fear that is stopping you? If you release fear and doubt will that make it easier? If you say, “I release fear and doubt”, how do you feel now? Or do you just need clarification from Spirit? Maybe ask them for a sign to help you move forward. Magic doesn’t create fear, it exposes it. So, as you evolve, fear may arise. Self- analysis helps to uncover it, and then release it. Sit and visualise the card, Open Door, it is luminous and bright. There is a dolphin waiting which is a sign of balance and play and maybe a little bit of curiosity for what is to come.
Spirit, you have opened this door for me, and with your help I will step through the doorway to my future.
You’ve done it! Found things that you love to do that absolutely rock your world! This card represents a passion for life and the things you love. Elation is how you feel! Stepping out of your comfort zone, you have found hobbies, courses and groups that expand your consciousness. Woo Hoo! Keep doing more of that. Whether it’s writing, sewing, painting, photography or colouring in, if it makes your heart sing, gives you energy, keep doing what you love. Having a purpose that you love in life always brings renewed excitement for your future.
Your childhood has many answers. What did you love to do? Which things did you enjoy? Were you creative? What hobbies made you smile? Did you play sport; can you actively participate in that club in some aspect? Go back to basics, join a group or take a course. Follow your heart, renew your passion for life! Try something different. As we age our interests change and grow. Start looking at what is available in your area.
Spirit, thank you for helping me find passion in my life.
Like the New Moon suggests, you’re now being carried towards new beginnings. At the time of the New Moon, you will affirm what you would like to attract and bring into form. You’re aware that using your intelligence and drive, Spirit and the forces of nature combined, can help you get the life you want, and bring experiences that serve your highest good.
Sit quietly under the New Moon, and write a list of the things you want to bring into fruition. Always saying, I am and I have, rather than I want. I want will hold it back, I have means I already have it. For example, “I am prosperous” or “I have a wonderful partner”. Think about feelings you want to feel. For example, “I am happy”, “I am healthy”, “I feel vibrant and fit” “My body is at its natural healthy state”. Remember each organ and part of your body has a soul, so send it love. No Limits with your manifesting.
I connect to the New Moon as it ignites my dreams, wishes and affirmations. So be it.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.